The r/GetSuave Codex


The topic of GetSuave is widespread, pertaining to building a naturally attractive, confident, fun, stylish lifestyle - think James Bond but without all the bullets.

1 December 2015

So You're a Wuss: How to Be More Masculine Starting Today

by u/champagnehouse

Testosterone: The Male Hormone

Testosterone is one of the essential ingredient that separates the birds from the bees. It’s what kicks in when you go through puberty and become a man, increasing muscle mass, deepening your voice, and promoting the growth of facial and body hair. In adults, it’s well-established that healthy testosterone gives you plenty of physical energy, promotes muscle health, and even helps regulate how you respond to victory and defeat. It is, for all intents and purposes, the masculinity hormone. Here’s how you can promote healthy testosterone naturally.

Caveat: I ain’t no doctor.

Eating Right:

Exercising Right:

Sleeping Right:

Further Reading

Learn From the Marines

Although a significant portion of Marine boot camp is spent on making men ready for combat, following orders without question, and the like, ask yourself this: have you ever met a former Marine who didn’t seem completely masculine? True, if you’re going to join the marines, you’re probably interested in masculine pursuits to begin with, but in the marines, you learn the following:


Create a grueling routine. If you want Marine strength, you’re going to have to get yourself to do difficult things and not listen to the internal voice that says “I can’t do it.” Create a tough morning routine. Wake up early. Challenge yourself. Live up to that routine every day and make success contingent on one simple principle: did you quit or did you persist? Persist more every day. Win that victory every single day.

Warm up your voice every day. Speak loudly to yourself in the mirror. Get used to the idea that you’re talking just a little above what would normally considered to be “polite.” Get comfortable with drawing attention to yourself in this way.

Lessons from Stoicism

They say that to be manly is to be stoic, but they usually mean “stoic” as unflinching and quiet. Truth be told, there’s more to /r/Stoicism than that. Stoicism is about acknowledging reality for what it is and learning to condition your thoughts in order to live an independent and happy life in spite of it.

To Do Is To Be

If you spend most of your day working in a cubicle, sitting at your computer at home, looking at porn, calling it a day for some half-ass sleep, eating junk food, and never getting outside to exercise because it’s a little cold and rainy, do you really expect the end-result will be a manly man?

Of course not. To do is to be. You’re a man because you were born that way, but that doesn’t mean you’ve done all you can do with the gift of masculinity. Muscles are not rights. They are earned by use. So it is with being a man. If you never get out and experience the world as a man would, don’t expect to feel all that manly.

Stop Being Such a Goddamn Pushover