The r/GetSuave Codex


The topic of GetSuave is widespread, pertaining to building a naturally attractive, confident, fun, stylish lifestyle - think James Bond but without all the bullets.

17 October 2015

Notes from Brent Smith's book: Jump Start Your Social Life

by u/beefypork906

Inner Game

  1. Have a purpose for your life, everything else will fall into place once you find this.

  2. What happens inside is more important then what happens outside.

  3. Affirmations and Visualizations are very powerful when you wake up, go to bed and before a night out.

  4. Keep your language positive, your mind believes what you say and people love other positive people.

  5. Give just to give, do not expect anything from others and let go of all worry about what could happen.

  6. When you stop worrying what people think of you they will stop worrying about what you think of them.

Meeting People

  1. Make it your mission to inspire people everywhere you go. Become an Inspirator.

  2. Always just ask, “How’s everything”, and ask everyone.

  3. Talk to everybody, your just one interaction away from having what you want. You don’t know which interaction it will be so talk to everybody.

  4. Introduce people to each other.

  5. Charity events are gold for building your social life.

  6. Weeknight events are low cost, but volunteering is better.

  7. Start talking to people as soon as you arrive, or sooner. Talk to the doorman.

  8. Make your way to the conversation center (Usually the bar) shortly after you arrive.

  9. Take advantage of low prices so you can do what nobody else does and give to others.

  10. Take the initiative.

  11. Try to spread out your interactions as opposed to sticking with one person. Keep your conversations short, like 2-3 min. and then find someone else to talk to. Just ask “How’s everything?”

Starting the Conversation

  1. Three reasons why people go out:
    • To escape their boring lives.
    • To meet people and be social.
    • To meet someone of the opposite sex.
  2. Keep this in mind and use it to start simple conversations.

  3. Keep the conversation light, ask there opinions on certain things.

  4. Be present when talking to people don’t look around the room or at your phone.

  5. Be the Mayor. Talk to everybody, give to give and introduce people to each other.

After Party Tips

  1. People who have been partying all night don’t want to shut down suddenly.

  2. Let people know throughout the evening that you are thinking about having people over but don’t commit.

  3. Keep things casual and don’t get attached to anything happening.

  4. Before you go out make sure your house is ready for the after party.

  5. Low lighting - Scented Candles, music, drinks, and party props (Such as cheap masks).

Keep it simple

  1. The key to successful hosting is giving and not wanting.

  2. When people ask about props don’t get drawn in, let them know they are just there for fun.

  3. Drawing people to you depends on your vibe and you develop that through inner game.

  4. Never try to get people to like you, they will hate you for it. Just be a classy social person and they will come to you.

  5. Be a social ambassador - Tell people about fun things to do, host parties and be known as the guy that knows whats happening.

  6. Become Carefree, unattached, cool and giving.

Hosting your own Party

  1. The principles are the same as the after party, just take it to the next level.

  2. “How can I recreate the best times people have had in their lives?”

  3. People want someone else to take the initiative and lead the way.

  4. Themes are fun.

  5. Greet people at the door, they will be more willing to open up to strangers and your party will not just be a bunch of scattered clumps of people.

  6. Have more women then men at your party.

  7. Hosting a charity event is pretty easy and takes your social life to a whole new level.

  8. Start small and Build

  9. None of this is very difficult, its just that no one takes the initiative.


  1. A picture is worth a thousand words.

  2. Women love it when pictures are taken of them when they are all dressed up and its a professional photographer.

  3. Pictures show people that you go places.

Creating an Image

  1. You have complete control over your image.

  2. The way you dress sends a powerful message about who you are.

  3. Smith recommends wearing a Blazer with a nice pair of jeans. Nice shoes and a matching belt. A pocket square is nice and a neck tie for the elite.

  4. Champagne is the drink of the classy.

Social Media

  1. Social media is free, simple and effective for boosting your social life.

  2. Post pictures, always have a camera on you.

  3. Create a Facebook page for different parties you host and make them private and exclusive.