The r/GetSuave Codex


The topic of GetSuave is widespread, pertaining to building a naturally attractive, confident, fun, stylish lifestyle - think James Bond but without all the bullets.

8 July 2015

The Automated Life: How to Get Machines and Software to Do Most of Your Work

by u/champagnehouse

Note: Like so many resource posts, this one is open to feedback, changes, additions, and edits.

Real talk: no matter how old we get, we always dream of having a house like Tony Stark. We want to talk to our centralized robot like we’re Jean-Luc Picard telling the computer to play some cool jazz. We want our alarm clock to activate our bacon cooker and put two eggs on the skillet.

Are we dreaming? Kind of, but not really.

It’s 2015, after all. We don’t have flying cars, but we live in the futuristic wonderland Marty McFly and Doc Brown stumbled onto in Back to the Future Part II. We have an Internet. We don’t have robots like this but we have bots, dammit, and that means some serious home and lifestyle automation is within our reach. Hell, I don’t even have to post the weekly field report post - a bot does that for me.

If you do everything manually, there are ways to smoothen out your lifestyle with the aid of smartphones, bots, software, and more.

Delegating Menial Tasks

Automating your lifestyle doesn’t necessarily require robots - you can hire real people to do things for you when you don’t want to do them. You can hire virtual assistants to handle your email, your scheduling, and more.

Sites like Elance, Zirtual, Upwork, and more have all sorts of virtual assistants willing to do your menial tasks for very little modest pay. Sometimes, you can score a free trial just to test out the lifestyle and see if it’s for you - I highly recommend at least doing that.

Automated Trigger Systems

This is something I’m just getting into. The basic formula is, you can set a bot to work on a basic “cause-effect” rule. “If this happens, then do this.” For example, “if I post a picture to Instagram, automatically save it to Dropbox.” If you have enough smart electronics like Phillips Hue in your life, you can even get as advanced as “when it rains, set my lights to blue” or “when someone emails me, blink the lights twice.”

This should solve most of your “Tony Stark” quandaries. But if you still want someone to talk to, you can always check out the Amazon Echo.

Home and Entertainment

There are a lot of creative ways you can streamline and automate your home:

Password Security

I’ve had my identity stolen once or twice and have learned a lesson along the way.

Keys to Automation