The r/GetSuave Codex


The topic of GetSuave is widespread, pertaining to building a naturally attractive, confident, fun, stylish lifestyle - think James Bond but without all the bullets.

3 July 2015

The "Carpe Diem" Factor, Making Someone's Day, and How $1 Mimosas Can Change Your Life

by u/champagnehouse

You hear “seize the day” all the time, but how often do you actually see someone do it?

Lifestyle coach Brent Smith tells an intersting story that demonstrates the true meaning of “seize the day”:

One day, he was at a restaurant getting brunch and found that the restaurant was serving $1 mimosas. Now, some people would just look at that and go “oh, great. I’ll have one!” Some adventurous people might go “well, then I’m going to order three! LOL YOLO!”

But Brent Smith likes to seize the day.

So what did he do? He ordered twenty - and began handing them out to people for free.

The result, says Brent, was anarchy: essentially, an instant party was created. While Brent and his friends said “happy free mimosa day,” people were so grateful that Brent made new connections, right then and there.

That, my friends, is the essence of a suave person: someone whose unique take on the world and life experience allows him to take an ordinary event and make it extraordinary.

We’re floating on a blue marble zinging around the sun, friends, and if we’re lucky, we’ll get a hundred zings around the sun before we’re pushing up daises. The time to live an extraordinary life is not when the GetSuave sidebar is finished, when you’re finally ripped, when you have enough courage to do it…the time is now. The day is today.

A suave person knows that and acts accordingly.

Ideas for Seizing the Day, Today

NOTE: If you have any suggestions/links, paste them in the comments here.