The r/GetSuave Codex


The topic of GetSuave is widespread, pertaining to building a naturally attractive, confident, fun, stylish lifestyle - think James Bond but without all the bullets.

29 May 2015

Items To Always Have On You

by u/champagnehouse

Note: As always with these guides, I’m open to suggestions. If you do have any suggestions, though, make sure you include an actual product and a link to find it.

Part of being suave is being ready for anything. What you carry with you every day will have a huge impact on that. And while it might not seem to make a lot of sense to carry a pen on your keychain now, you’ll find that one day it will come in handy, as long as you:

You can’t tell what a suave man has in his pockets (because he doesn’t carry a version of the George Costanza wallet), but you know that there are indeed aces up his sleeve.

The Essentials

Car keys with keychain.

I mean, duh.


More duh.

Cash enough to get home.

Keep with your wallet, or supplement with a True Utility cash capsule.

The Wallet

Should be slim, more of a “money clip” style than a folding wallet. Carry a credit card / debit card and ID. There really shouldn’t be any reason for more than 2-3 cards, so your wallet can stay slim - but even slim wallets are designed to at least hold something. Here are some options:

In your wallet, you’ll want to carry a minimum amount of baggage: credit card(s), debit, ID, relevant permits, etc. I don’t even keep my library card in my wallet because I don’t use it enough.

Keychain Assistance

Keeping portable objects on the keychain is the best way to ensure they become a part of your every-day carry list. Here are a few potential items to add:

Business or Personal Cards

At some point, if you talk about what you do, or if you talk to enough people, they’re going to ask for your contact information. No businessperson should go without a card; it makes you look amateur no matter what you’re doing.

Optional Cool Stuff

I’m far too minimalistic to insist that you carry cool stuff like a True Utility lighter with you all the time, but if you must, you must:

What does it all add up to? One of the big inspirations for this post, /u/minimumeffort over at /r/edc, posted this picture of his keychain and this of his wallet and other accessories.

Long story short: you can carry a whole heck of a lot more utility than George Costanza with far less bulk.

Further Reading