The r/GetSuave Codex


The topic of GetSuave is widespread, pertaining to building a naturally attractive, confident, fun, stylish lifestyle - think James Bond but without all the bullets.

6 May 2015

A Crash Course on Men's Style and Clothing

by u/champagnehouse

The /r/GetSuave Principles of Dressing

1. It is better to slightly overdress than slightly underdress. An overdressed man looks like he just got from somewhere, or is going somewhere. An underdressed man always looks out of place.

The more you make a habit of dressing well, the more comfortable you’ll feel wearing collars, buttons, and form-fitting clothes.

2. Dressing well is not optional for a suave man. Clothing is under your direct control, so there’s no excuse not to look your best. Consider our inspiration: Ocean’s Eleven movies, James Bond movies–you will never find these people underdressed for the occasion. Style is a major part of presenting your best foot forward to the world, and it’s not an optional piece of the puzzle if you want to be as suave as you possibly can.


Ever see the movie “Crazy. Stupid. Love”?

Steve Carrell’s middle-aged father character is cuckolded, sent into divorce, and has to face the life of a single man. The problem is, he has basically no dating skills, having married his high school sweetheart.

With the help of Ryan Gosling’s character, he changes all that. He learns how to talk to women, yes, but the change is also visual. He completely changes the way he dresses.

Consider how he starts off.

If you didn’t know that was Steve Carrell, and were simply asked to make a few assumptions about that guy based off of his clothes, what would you say? “Dad.” “Frumpy.” “Probably has an average job.” “Goes on vacation once a year, at places like Sandals.” “Has two-three kids.” “Probably isn’t down for an adventure.”

But on paper, it’s just jeans and a polo shirt. Ubiquitous, right? On paper, it’s a stylish look. So why the hell does he look so damn frumpy? A few things.

Focusing almost exclusively on these three items is enough to completely change the way people perceive you. Fit, wardrobe choices, shoes.

Now look at how Steve Carrell ends up. If this wasn’t Steve Carrell playing a movie character, you would probably look at that picture and have about fifty different assumptions. “He’s a jet-setter.” “He has a lot of money in the bank.” “He may be a bit of a womanizer, or his wife is gorgeous.” “He looks like he’d be fun to talk to.” “He looks important, powerful even.” “He drives a nice car.”

A few simple purchases and his vibe has totally changed. Lesson? It doesn’t cost a million bucks to look like a million bucks. So let’s learn how.


“Fit, fit, fit” is to style as “location, location, location” is to real estate.

I won’t re-invent the wheel here. The fastest way you can learn about fit is Shujun’s Comprehensive Fit Guide over at /r/malefashionadvice. There’s a lot of subtlety in that post, so defer to his judgments. But here are some key takeaways:

Wardrobe Choices

First, read the basic wardrobe guides at /r/malefashionadvice - once again, they’ve done most of the work for me. I’m just going to whittle it down and explain some essential versatile items that every man should own.




Talk about a post in and of itself. There are different shoes (and boots) for all seasons. Let’s handle three basic “temperatures,” if you will: beach, city, and snowy countryside.

Note on shoes: unless you’re wearing pants, you should either wear no-show socks or go sockless. Shoes, shorts, and showing socks are considered a big no-no.


It’s the little details that make you a step above casually-dressed and “suave.” Once again, /r/malefashionadvice makes my life easier with their sock guide.

Notes and Resources

Is this a final, comprehensive guide? No. You can get far down the rabbit hole when it comes to men’s style. It’s just a basic introduction for having the right items in your wardrobe that allow you to up your casual dressing game from “schlub” to “sharp.”