The r/GetSuave Codex


The topic of GetSuave is widespread, pertaining to building a naturally attractive, confident, fun, stylish lifestyle - think James Bond but without all the bullets.

25 March 2015

Looks and Style Hub

by u/champagnehouse

How attractive are you?

Go ahead, I’ll wait…

It was a trick question.

A better question is, how attractive can you be?

The truth is that while there’s a limited amount you can do to enhance your attractiveness, you can do a lot more to make yourself attractive than most people realize. Attractiveness is MALLEABLE, gentlemen. Yes, your genetics and bone structure play a major role in how attractive you are. But you still have a lot under your control.

If you want to, you can be:

Difficult? Maybe. Possible for virtually everyone? Yep.

The very men who complain that the rules of dating are “be attractive and don’t be unattractive” likely put in the absolute minimal effort to be as attractive as they can. This makes no sense. If you believe that your attractiveness is the sole reason you have dating problems (it’s not), why wouldn’t you max out on your attractiveness? Max out, guys. Max the fuck out.

Don’t believe me? Guys like Tom Brady were born on the cover of GQ, right? Well, compare doofus 2000-era Tom Brady to the Tom Brady of today.

Yeah, yeah, he’s rich, he can afford nice clothes and a stylist, yada yada yada. Whatever. All of the world’s style, fitness, and grooming knowledge is available at your fingertips. You have no excuse not to max out.

So you’re not as tall as Tom Brady? Boo-friggin-hoo. All you need to concern yourself with is MAXING OUT.


Ugly men of the world, at the very least, you can be a “but-his-face.” Everything good…but his face.

But everyone should be maxing out their physical appearance. Take this quote to heart:

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” -Socrates

If you aren’t fit as fuck, you are plum not living up to your Earthly potential. You were given a body, and you’re not taking care of it. What does that say about you?

Of course, /r/getsuave isn’t here to reinvent the fitness wheel. What we’ll be concerned about here is getting the maximum results for the least amount of effort. That’s not to be lazy, but to wipe out the need for redunant activities and be as efficient as possible. We’re building a suave lifestyle here. /r/fitness is that-a-way.

To be as efficient as possible, we’ll explore two things:

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Hygiene and Grooming

If you can’t be tall, good-looking, or anthing remotely in the realm of attractive, you can always be clean and well-groomed. It’s merely a matter of effort. hygiene and grooming, like fitness, come about as a result of the habits you establish for yourself on a day-to-day basis.

Here are the bare-minimum habits you need to have:

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Style and Fashion

The quickest way to look suave is to dress like it.

Of course, there’s /r/malefashionadvice for this and they can help you…somewhat. I personally think they err on the side of more feminine looks. But they also take the time to teach you some basic wardrobes, which is what our focus will be on here.

Plainly put, we want versatile suave clothes that will work in a variety of situations. A well-fitting blazer, for example, can take you just about anywhere, which makes it a wise investment.

There will be plenty more to say about style and fashion, but here are the principles you’ll want to adhere to:

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