The r/GetSuave Codex


The topic of GetSuave is widespread, pertaining to building a naturally attractive, confident, fun, stylish lifestyle - think James Bond but without all the bullets.

10 March 2015

Party Throwing 101: Behind the Bar

by u/champagnehouse

Note: read the tips on stocking your home bar with booze, modifiers, and basic bar equipment if you’re unsure how to handle all of this.

Here’s a fun alternate definition of “suave”:

BOOM! How do you like that?

If there’s any way to be one step ahead of other people in a way that they enjoy, it’s throwing a rockin’ party.

If you want to be a cool person, throwing parties on a semi-regular basis is your duty. After all, the essence of the suave man is that he’s a good man to know, that knowing him means you’ll have a more fun life than if you don’t know him, etc. What easier way to accomplish that than by throwing the occasional party and giving some old (and new) friends a chance to kick back and have fun?

And, as any social drinker knows, a good party starts with two key ingredients:

This post is about doing both at once, and doing it as smoothly as possible.

The Goal of Any Party Is…

…giving people an excuse to have fun and be carefree.

It’s not to make people compliment your awesome bar tricks, or to revel in the latest music you want them to hear. Nope…

…the goal of having a party is to give people an excuse to have fun and be carefree.

Most people are living mundane lives. Work, gym, eat, sleep, work, gym, eat, sleep, repeat. Watch the calendar. Hope Saturday arrives.

Your party is here to break up that monotony, to make people feel like they’re in control of their fun–not to be the Nazi fun dictator who tells people how to enjoy themselves.

Put in the prep work, make sure you’re being generous with your time and energy, and you’ll make a great party host.

A Note on Physical Layout

You don’t have to build an actual bar in your house to pull this off. This is /r/getsuave, not /r/diy. So even if you don’t have a bar or even a countertop you can stand behind and pretend is a bar, you’re still going to want to build a “makeshift bar” for your next party. If this means putting all of your booze and bartending equipment out in the open, so be it–in fact, that will work to your benefit, as people will realize they’re encouraged to have a drink or two.

A Note on Party Format

When I say “party,” I don’t always mean a huge event where you send out electronic invites and require RSVPs (although that’s perfectly valid, and please do that occasionally as well). There are a number of ways you can have friends old and new over to your place:

What kind of party you aim for can vary, so feel free to cherry-pick from these tips and just get the basic principles down: adequate preparation, good hosting, etc.

Bar Skills You Need to Learn First

Handling Your Party Hosting Duties from Behind the Bar

This is extremely important, especially if you’re pulling double-duty. In some of the parties I’ve thrown, I had a roommate which allowed me to stay behind the bar, or vice versa. If you’re on your own, you might have to pull a bit of double-duty. Here’s what you need to know:

Before-the-Party Bar Checklist

What Everyone Always Overlooks

A key point here:

Before the first guest arrives, you should do everything you can to create the illusion that a party is already happening.

No, it doesn’t make sense on a conscious level, but think about it this way: have you ever been somewhere early and felt incredibly awkward because of it?

Well, if your first guest arrives on time, but you’re the only one there, you’re already setting up, and the music isn’t even yet…they’re still going to look around at the lack of guests and think, “oh, I’m early. Everyone else knew what actual time to show up at.”

That’s not a good vibe to start it off at.

So here are the tricks I use:

Voila! Offer your first guest a drink, and if they take one, have something with them, even if it’s just diet coke (to keep your wits about you)–they’ll feel more comfortable since they’re drinking with company. Two people and music can make a party, so every guest who arrives after that should get the impression that they’ve arrived with everything in full swing.