The r/GetSuave Codex


The topic of GetSuave is widespread, pertaining to building a naturally attractive, confident, fun, stylish lifestyle - think James Bond but without all the bullets.

6 March 2015

Social Hobbies: Make Your Life More Interesting and Meet New People Along the Way

by u/champagnehouse

Easy Social Hobbies

These are the hobbies where you can easily go alone and have an excuse for being there, like “I just wanted to learn XYZ…” In these cases, you’ll likely be paired up with partners or expected to interact, which makes it easier to break out of your shell. In some cases, (like Toastmaster), part of the class IS to break out of your shell.

Hobbies that Require More Initiative to Start

These are great hobbies for meeting people, but they’re not quite as “set up” for you to make it all on your own. There are rarely teachers here to show you the way, pair you off with a partner, etc. But that doesn’t make them any less rewarding.

One-off Events

A quick tip for one-off events: find the person in charge and say “you know, I’m kind of bored, so I’m at your disposal if you need any help.” Suddenly you’re in charge of getting chairs or something, and you have something to do and don’t feel so awkward for being there by yourself.

Hobbies to Avoid/Minimize

Only 24 hours in a day. Adding new hobbies to your life is going to mean having to decrease how much time you spend with some of the old ones.

Resources for Finding Social Hobbies